MCM’s Creative Director shares with us her deserted island necessities and how she starts her busy days. 

Scroll on social media or walk down any busy high street shop and you might notice a brass plate insignia adoring a backpack or shoulder bag. The brand? Modern Creation München aka MCM, which has been around since the mid-1970s. With stores around the globe the brand has continued to boom over the years and they’re currently entering their next phase, led by Katie Chung. Chung, having grown up in a fashion household never really thought she would wind up following her family’s footsteps, but with her clear success she made the right decision. 

We caught up with Chung to hear about the one piece advice she wished her younger self would know, the one film she thinks everyone should watch, and what she’d bring to a deserted island. 


1. As Creative Director of MCM, how does a typical day start for you?

I know it’s really bad, but I start the day with a can of this energy drink called Monster. I hold onto that literally all day because I don’t really drink coffee — it’s my sole drink around the office. Then, I review any ongoing projects and schedule team meetings. After that, it’s pretty much emails and computer work for the rest of the day. 

2. What is one piece of advice that you would tell your younger self?  

I actually have a son who is eight years old, and whenever he’s in trouble, I always say “Don’t worry, don’t be afraid. Everything will be alright.” I think the whole point of life is that it’s all a journey. You will always meet yourself at the end of it, and there’s no need to be afraid.”   

3. Did you always want to work in fashion? 

No, not really because I grew up in a fashion family. My mother is also a designer, and every member of my family works in the design industry. It’s quite funny, there was never a moment where I thought “Oh, I’m going to do this” but I guess I was always naturally gravitated towards it from a young age.” 

4. If you weren’t in the fashion industry, what would be your plan? 

“I never thought of wanting to work in fashion while at the same time never really giving myself the chance to think of any other career path. So it’s quite funny now to think, maybe I would be a writer and write fiction. I love reading, but I’m not an amazing writer, so it could be something to work on.”

5. If you were on a deserted island what are three things you would take with you? 

“Honestly, my bed with my duvet, a super thick book, something longer than the whole Harry Potter series, and a lot of water. Actually I can already stay in for a few days just with those three things!”

6. What is one film that you think everyone should watch and why? 

“I really love the film Orlando; it’s based on the Virginia Woolf novel. It is such a beautiful plot and Tilda Swinton in the film is just wow. I remember being in college when I first watched and it really stuck with me. Also, fashion-wise, it is amazing too because there are so many historical points throughout the film.”

7. What beauty product is your holy grail? 

“Sunblock for sure; I try to put it on every day because I have always been told it’s the best thing for your skin and to keep you looking young.”

8. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be? 

I’ve pretty much always lived in a big city, except during high school so I would love to try somewhere like Hawaii to really chill and relax. I feel like Hawaii would be the perfect balance of city and beach.”

9. Do you remember your first MCM piece, and if so what was it? 

“My first MCM piece was the classic backpack made out of Visetos monogram. I was in my early twenties or even younger, and it was so popular. Everyone was so crazy about them at that time! The quality of the product was also amazing.”

10. Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years? 

“To be honest, I think I’m really lucky and grateful that I like what I do and I hope I can continue on this trajectory for a while. I guess in the next 10 years, hopefully, I see myself continuing to work in the fashion industry, regardless of the job title, whether it be creative director, merchandising, and pushing the boundaries of design and creatively for myself.”

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